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Ārlietu ministrs pauž atbalstu Konferencei par Eiropas nākotni


On 28 January 2020, the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edgars Rinkēvičs, took part in the European Union General Affairs Council in Brussels, at which the Member States held an exchange of views on the Conference on the Future of Europe (the Conference). Its aim is to bring together representatives from EU institutions, Member States and the general public to discuss what should be changed in the functioning of the EU, including in the context of Brexit, in order to improve the way the Union works and what it does.      

Edgars Rinkēvičs expressed Latvia’s support for the Conference as a continuation to the European Citizens’ Consultations held in 2018, in which EU institutions, Member States, including national Parliaments, civil society organisations and the general population should be represented.  

The running of the Conference requires institutional balance, in view of which, the EU institutions should be involved and represented on an equal footing in the preparation and holding of the event. We believe that the primary task of the Conference is to find concrete answers to questions essential for people, said Minister Rinkēvičs, adding that therefore institutional issues should be considered in the policy context as a means to achieve specific results.

The Foreign Minister drew the Council’s attention to the organisational structure of the Conference, since it is important for Latvia that an institutional, gender and age balance be ensured, as well as ensuring that civil society and the people of the European Union are represented, including through using digital tools and solutions. Information about the Conference should also be made available.