Ārlietu ministrija saka paldies Lietuvas vēstniekam par ieguldījumu divpusējo attiecību stiprināšanā

On 13 July 2021, the Acting State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Atis Lots, met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to Latvia, Artūras Žurauskas.

Atis Lots thanked the Ambassador for his contribution to the strengthening of cooperation between Latvia and Lithuania and he underlined that mutual support and joint action have been essential over the past years. Atis Lots noted that during the Ambassador’s time in office a close political dialogue and a regular exchange of visits continued between Latvia and Lithuania, with active cooperation also during the COVID-19 pandemic. The diplomats were in agreement that joint activities should be continued to successfully advance the Rail Baltica project and to complete the synchronisation of the Baltic States electric grids with those in the rest of Europe.

The Acting State Secretary welcomed the new cooperation initiatives launched between Latvia and Lithuania during the Ambassador’s tenure – the annual Balts’ Award and the informal seminars of the Latvia and Lithuanian Foreign Ministries. The officials expressed satisfaction with the broad range of cultural events implemented in the two countries, notably in relation to the centenary of the establishment of the state of Latvia and restoration of Lithuania’s statehood.

Ambassador Artūras Žurauskas was accredited to Latvia on 17 August 2016.