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Public reports have appeared concerning a Russian citizen and military pensioner, Vladimir Norvind, on his expulsion from the Republic of Latvia. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot confirm his expulsion, since this is not in the Foreign Ministry’s competence. However, we can point out that unfounded assertions have appeared in Russia’s mass media that in such circumstances, Latvia would be in violation of an intergovernmental agreement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to point out that the status of military pensioners of the Russian Federation residing in Latvia is regulated by the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Russian Federation on Social protection of retired military personnel of the Russian Federation and their family members residing in the territory of the Republic of Latvia. Article 2 of the Agreement defines the subjects of the Agreement in the following way: “Persons who, in accordance with Article 1, are subject to the provisions of this Agreement and who had been residing permanently in the territory of the Republic of Latvia as of 28 January 1992, including persons for whom the relevant formalities had not been completed and yet who are included in the lists signed by both Parties and attached to this Agreement, retain the right to reside in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, should they wish to do so”.

According to information at the disposal of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Norvind arrived in Latvia in 1994 and he is not included on the list approved and signed by both Parties; therefore, the  Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Russian Federation on Social protection of retired military personnel of the Russian Federation and their family members, residing in the territory of the Republic of Latvia does not apply to Vladimir Norvind, and regardless of other circumstances of the case, the allegations of a violation by Latvia of any intergovernmental agreements are unfounded and without merit.