News Support for Ukraine
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The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the so-called referendums that the representatives of occupational authorities illegally appointed by Russia are planning to hold from 23 to 27 September on the annexation of the occupied regions of Ukraine to Russia.

Such referendums are an illegal and blatant violation of international law. Latvia will not recognize the legitimacy of those referendums or any of their results.

We urge Russia to immediately cease its provocative actions aimed at the escalation of Russia’s military aggression and the further aggravation of the overall situation in Ukraine. We insist on the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine without delay.

In response to Russia’s actions, the international community must be prepared to increase pressure on Russia by approving new sanctions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirms its strong support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in its internationally recognized borders, as well as unwavering support for Ukraine and its people in their fight for freedom and independence.