Elita Gavele un Bajram Begaj
Photo: Office of the President of Albania

On 29 August 2024, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia, Elita Gavele, submitted her letters of credence to the President of the Republic of Albania, Bajram Begaj.

As part of the accreditation ceremony, the political and economic relations between the two countries were discussed. The officials expressed conviction that the forthcoming visit by the President of Albania to Latvia would contribute to the strengthening of bilateral ties, including the expansion of people-to-people contacts, which is also facilitated by direct seasonal flights of the Latvian national airlines to Tirana.

As part of the conversation, Ambassador Elita Gavele expressed particular gratitude for Albania’s participation in the NATO multinational battle group based in Latvia, as well as emphasizing support from Latvia for the process of Albania’s integration into the European Union.

At the end of the meeting, the Ambassador and the Albanian President discussed the current situation in Ukraine, with the officials being unanimous about the need to provide all forms of support to Ukraine targeted by Russia’s full-scale military aggression.

Further information

In her current posting, Elita Gavele succeeds the previous non-resident Ambassador Solvita Aboltiņa. The Ambassador of Latvia resides in Rome, Italy.

29.08.2024. Vēstniece Elita Gavele iesniedz akreditācijas vēstules Albānijas Republikas prezidentam Bajramam Begajam (Bajram Begaj)