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On 16 August 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will host the 3rd Forum of Latvian Professionals Working for International Organisations. It will bring together more than 80 Latvian professionals working at various international organisations – the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the European External Action Service, the European Commission, the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, and more.

The aim of the forum is to maintain a continued connection with nationals working in international organisations, to discuss opportunities to use this potential to represent Latvia’s interests as successfully as possible, to exchange experiences, and to inform participants about issues of importance for the development, economy and security of Latvia.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, Baiba Braže, will open the forum and discussions. The participants will discuss Latvia’s foreign policy priorities, ways to strengthen Latvia’s position internationally, the challenges of Latvia’s economic growth and development and possible solutions to overcome them. An exchange of views is also planned on strengthening national security and defence capabilities, developing national and public resilience capabilities and preparedness in the face of challenges posed by disinformation and new technologies, including the increasing influence of artificial intelligence on political and economic processes. The issues related to the future of the EU will also be important – the preparation of a new multi-annual budget and Latvia’s interests, challenges related to EU enlargement, preparation for the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2028, and more. The participants will also discuss issues related to the modernisation of public administration, attraction of professionals and young people to the public administration sector, and the civil participation in the decision-making process.

The forum is organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Chancery of the President of Latvia, the State Chancellery and the World Federation of Free Latvians.

For the attention of the media

9.00-9.10 – Photo and video opportunities at the opening of the forum. Address by the Foreign Minister Baiba Braže 

(Press Conference Hall, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, K. Valdemāra iela 3, 1st floor).

Members of the media interested in covering the event, are requested to apply by 16:00 on 14 August via e-mail: media@mfa.gov.lv

Please apply in advance to the Communication Group by telephone for any individual interview with the participants of the forum: 67016117