E. Rinkēvičs, tiekoties ar Kanādas kolēģi, akcentē Kanādas neatsveramo lomu reģiona drošības stiprināšanā

On 6 July 2021 in Vinius, Lithuania, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs, met with the Minister Foreign Affairs of Canada, Marc Garneau. At the meeting, the Latvian Foreign Minister underlined that Canada, being the lead nation for the NATO enhanced Forward Presence battlegroup in Latvia, has an invaluable role to play in the strengthening of security across the region. The Minister noted that it would be important to also extend military presence beyond 2023 and continue to lead the battlegroup.

Edgars Rinkēvičs referred positively to Latvia and Canada being equal-minded democracies; therefore, it is vital to maintain close contacts and expand opportunities for cooperation. In the context of bilateral relations between Latvia and Canada, it is of special importance that this year we mark the 30th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations, the Latvian Foreign Minister underlined.

In relation to the arbitrary detention of two Canadian citizens and their trial in China, Edgars Rinkēvičs offered Latvia’s solidarity and support to Canada in its principles-based position on this matter.

The two Foreign Ministers were in agreement about the indispensable role of NATO in the safeguarding of stability in the Baltic region and across the Euro-Atlantic space as a whole.

Edgars Rinkēvičs and Marc Garneau recognised that cooperation in the format of the Baltic States and Canada (“3+1”) is valuable and should be continued at the level of foreign ministers and political directors alike.

During their meeting, the Latvian and Canadian Foreign Ministers discussed the state of affairs in the region, including developments in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.