Development Cooperation News
Vizuālis 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia is launching a co-financing grant project competition Support for Development Cooperation and Development (Global) Education Projects Funded by the European Commission and Other International Aid Donors in the Recipient Countries Defined by the Republic of Latvia and in the Republic of Latvia” for 2024. The co-financing grant competition prioritizes development cooperation projects. 

Project promoters who have obtained funding from other development cooperation providers, including the European Commission, are invited to apply for the implementation of development cooperation and global education projects.

The total funding made available for the implementation of projects in 2024 is EUR 50,000.

The minimum amount of the grant that can be obtained for one project is 500 EUR, but the maximum amount of the grant that can be awarded for the implementation of the project is 80% of the total amount of co-financing financial resources provided for in the project in the calendar year 2024.

In the evaluation, priority will be given to projects in the European Union's Eastern Partnership countries (notably Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and central Asian countries (notably Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) and Africa. The venue for global education projects is both the Republic of Latvia and any partner country.

The competition is open to civil society organisations and social partners registered in the Republic of Latvia. Project applications must be submitted by 23:59. on 13 September 2024. Submissions after the deadline will not be considered. An electronically signed project application must be sent to the Department of Economic Relations and Development Cooperation Policy via the e-mail address:

We would like to draw attention to the fact that the maximum number of points that can be received in the evaluation of development cooperation projects is 25 points. For global education projects, it is 20 points. In both cases, the minimum number of points by which an application is deemed to meet the criteria is 15 points.

Information about the winners of the competition will be published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia.

For more information about the competition, please call + 371 67016417 or e-mail to