Pasākuma dalībnieku kopbilde
Photo: Ercole Giardi

On 30 September 2024, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia, Elita Gavele, submitted her letter of credence to the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino, Alessandro Rosi and Milena Gasperoni.

As part of her accreditation ceremony, Ambassador Elita Gavele underlined to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of San Marino, Luca Beccari, that attention devoted by the two countries to values such as peace, freedom, democracy and respect for human rights was a solid foundation for bilateral relations and strengthening of ties and cooperation in international organisations. In that context, Ambassador Elita Gavele presented a brief outline of the priorities of Latvia’s candidacy for the UN Security Council and spoke in support of the signing of a European UnionSan Marino Association Agreement.

At the end of the meeting, the officials also highlighted the forthcoming 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations to be marked on 18 May 2025.

Background information

During her accreditation visit, the Ambassador took part in a meeting hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Economic Cooperation of San Marino, Luca Beccari, for EU Member State Ambassadors accredited to San Marino. On 1 October, the Ambassador is attending the Investiture Ceremony of the new Captains Regent.

In her present posting, Elita Gavele succeeds former non-resident Ambassador Solvita Āboltiņa.

The Ambassador of Latvia resides in Rome, Italy.


30.09.2024. Vēstniece Elita Gavele iesniedz akreditācijas vēstuli Sanmarīno kapteiņiem-reģentiem