
On 21 May 2024, Dace Melbārde, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, met with Juris Sinka, Chair of the Lestene Society for Commemoration of Latvian Soldiers, and Raimonds Graube, Member of the Board of the society.

In the context of development plans for the Lestene Memorial, a constructive exchange of views took place about the draft “Law on Lestene Lutheran Church and the World War II commemorative site with the Lestene Memorial” examined by the Saeima. In the conversation, Dace Melbārde noted that, when assessing the dramatic chapters of Latvia’s history and honouring the memory of the people of Latvia fallen in World War II, it was important to include an indication in the bill that Latvia, being an occupied state, was not a belligerent in World War II.

Dace Melbārde also underlined that it was important to make clear in the bill that the residents of Latvia were drafted illegally into the military formations of the occupying countries, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, as the result of which they were forced to fight each other on both sides of the front lines. To reflect more accurately this people’s tragedy of World War II, so vividly presented by the Lestene Memorial, it is essential to define precisely the scope of persons covered by the bill.

Dace Melbārde noted that the adoption of a well-drafted law would make it possible to avoid misunderstandings and various interpretations during its application, including at the international level.