News Support for Ukraine
Parlamentārā sekretāre pārrunā ar ASV Amerikas Ebreju komitejas delegāciju

On 27 April 2022, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs met with the delegation of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), which has arrived in Latvia to mark the fifth anniversary of the AJC Central Europe Office. The delegation is headed by the AJC President, Harriet P. Schleifer, and the Acting Director of the ACJ Central Europe Office, Sebastian Rejak.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views concerning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica informed the delegation about Latvia’s position and measures taken against the aggressor state as well as support provided to Ukraine. The Parliamentary Secretary underlined in particular the importance of solidarity demonstrated by the international community as it continues providing all kinds of assistance to Ukraine, as well as standing up against Russia in various international formats and tightening sanctions.

We have to maximise all kinds of support for Ukraine, including political, financial, humanitarian and military assistance, so that Ukraine could win the war, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica said. In addition, at this point already, resources must be mobilised towards Ukraine’s revival to reverse devastation wreaked on its infrastructure and economy. Members of the AJC delegation also strongly condemned Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, and they underlined the importance of solidarity and stability of democratic values to offer resistance to Russia’s actions.

“There can be no sanctions relief until the war is stopped, Russian forces withdrawn, Ukraine’s territorial integrity restored and the issue of reparations addressed,” Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica noted. The Parliamentary Secretary underlined that Russia had inflicted enormous damage to Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and must be made to pay for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

Much attention was focused on cooperation between Latvia and the United States of America, especially in the fields of security and economy. The Parliamentary Secretary highlighted the United States’ role in the strengthening of security of the Baltic States and the need for permanent presence of NATO forces in Latvia. Matters concerning energy security and Latvia’s intention to build a liquefied natural gas terminal were also discussed.

The meeting also addressed the issues related to cooperation between Latvia and the AJC. The AJC delegation welcomed Latvia’s attainments in promoting Holocaust remembrance and in combatting Antisemitism. Harriet P. Schleifer expressed thanks for the law adopted by Latvia on the compensation of goodwill to the Latvian Jewish community for the heirless property once owned by those who perished in the Holocaust, and lost due to the actions of the occupation regimes.

Background information

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) is one of the leading global Jewish organization established in 1906 to advocate for Jewish interests and promote understanding of Jewish history and critical issues. The organisation has a number of regional offices, including the Central Europe Office in Warsaw, which serves six countries in the region, including Latvia.

During the visit, the delegation has also been scheduled to meet with the President of Latvia, the Minister of Justice, and members of the Latvian Jewish diaspora organisations, as well as visiting the Embassies of the United States and of Israel. After Latvia, the AJC delegation will visit Estonia.