Parlamentārā sekretāre pauž Latvijas gatavību turpināt atbalstu Baltkrievijas pilsoniskajai sabiedrībai

On 19 August 2021, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, met with the leader of a Belarusian non-governmental organisation, Nash Dom, journalist and human rights activist, Olga Karach. Taking part in the conversation were Iluta Lāce, Director of the Centre Marta, as well as the centre’s policy coordinator, Līva Matuzele, and a civic activist from Belarus, Ilona Rudenia.

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica expressed support for the Belarusian society in its efforts to establish and live in a free and democratic Belarus, which respects the rights of its citizens; she also thanked Olga Karach for her work in the protection of women’s rights in Belarus.

Olga Karach thanked Latvia for support offered to the Belarusian civil society and she highlighted the role of Belarusian women in the protest movement as well as their vulnerability in the face of Lukashenko regime’s repression, where women are punished for supporting the protest movement: their children are taken away and they themselves are arrested or even placed in psychiatric establishments. Support provided by Latvia has made it possible until now to promptly offer a helping hand and encouragement to the victims of repression.

Olga Karach suggested the Latvian side consider launching a project that would offer rehabilitation to women affected by repression under Lukashenko’s regime. Besides, thinking about the time when Lukashenko is no longer the leader of Belarus, Latvia’s experience with reforms will be needed for transition to a liberal and democratic state. A major change has taken place in the consciousness of the Belarusian society over the past year. People no longer want to put up with their current rights-deprived state while being aware that the future of an independent and sovereign Belarus is to be associated with European values and democracy.

Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica confirmed that Latvia is prepared to continue providing support for the Belarusian society, which includes sharing its reform experience, circumstances permitting.

Background information

NGO Nash Dom in partnership with the Centre Marta have implemented a programme financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia to ensure psychological, practice, legal and medical assistance to persons who have suffered from the violations of human rights in Belarus following the presidential election of 9 August 2020.

Olga Karach has arrived in Latvia to take part in the LAMPA 2021 Conversation Festival.