News Support for Ukraine
Parlamentārā sekretāre Gunda Reire aicina turpināt atbalstīt Ukrainu arī ar ES tirdzniecības instrumentiem

On 25 November 2022, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gunda Reire, took part in the meeting of the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) in Brussels, at which the participants discussed trade support to Ukraine, the EU-US trade relations, issues concerning the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and the state of play of the ongoing EU trade negotiations with third countries.

The Parliamentary Secretary pointed out that it was vital to continue supporting Ukraine and its economic recovery through the use of the EU’s trade instruments. Gunda Reire called on the Council to also extend the trade liberalisation measures granted to Ukraine past the expiry date set for the middle of 2023. By opening the EU market to Ukrainian goods, we enable Ukraine to restore its manufacturing and economy, Gunda Reire noted.

In a discussion on trade relations between the EU and the USA, the Parliamentary Secretary underlined the importance of transatlantic cooperation under the present geopolitical situation; she also noted that it was vital to achieve tangible results at the upcoming high-level meeting of the EU Trade and Technology Council on 5 December. Gunda Reire highlighted the areas important for Latvia in the work of the TTC, namely, the coordination of sanctions against Russia, export control, investment screening, and countering Russia’s disinformation. She added that cooperation on the strengthening of supply chains, new technologies, and the security of information and communication networks were no less essential for Latvia. The Parliamentary Secretary expressed support for the Transatlantic Initiative on Sustainable Trade aimed at promoting a coordinated approach to mutually beneficial and economically viable green transition.

To prepare for the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference, the Council also exchanged views on the state of affairs in WTO talks. The Parliamentary Secretary expressed support for WTO reform and the EU’s active role in the process. Gunda Reire pointed out that Latvia was interested in results being achieved in the fields of WTO activity such as e-commerce, environment and climate, trade, and gender equality.

In a discussion on trade agreements currently under negotiation, Gunda Reire underlined that in the present geopolitical situation, it was vital to forge and strengthen trade links with reliable partners. An ambitious free trade policy is essential for the recovery of EU economies, its strategic interests and the spreading of EU values, the Parliamentary Secretary said, while pointing out that the expansion of the network of EU free trade agreements created stimuli for the diversification of trade flows and facilitated access to critical resources for our companies.


Background information

The EU Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) considers matters related to the EU’s trade relations with third countries, covering trade in goods and services, the commercial side of intellectual property rights, and the aspects of international public procurement and foreign direct investment. The meetings are chaired by the minister for trade of the country holding the presidency of the Council of the EU.

From 12 to 17 June 2022, Geneva hosted the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference, which yielded several tangible outputs, including the decision to begin work on institutional reform of the WTO. Active work is underway on the implementation of MC12 decisions and on preparations for the next, 13th WTO Ministerial Conference scheduled for the early 2024.