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Parlamentārā sekretāre G. Reire Norvēģijā drošības politikā Baltijas un Ziemeļvalstu intereses ir cieši saistītas

On 27 April 2023, in Oslo, Norway, Gunda Reire, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, met with Eivind Vad Petersson, State Secretary to the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The officials discussed foreign policy developments in the Baltic and Nordic region, including security policy issues, as well as Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, calling Russian war criminals to account, and support to Ukraine.

The Parliamentary Secretary underlined, “In security policy, the interests of the Baltic and Nordic countries are closely interlinked; therefore, closer cooperation in defence and security should also be promoted in the NB8 format. The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO is to be regarded as highly positive as it will strengthen the security of the Baltic States and contribute to the stability of the Baltic Sea region. The accession of these countries to NATO signals that NATO’s open-door policy remains essential and currently relevant, which is important bearing in mind Ukraine’s aspirations of joining NATO.”

During her visit, Gunda Reire took part in a seminar organised jointly by the Norwegian Atlantic Committee and the Embassies of the Baltic States in Oslo, titled “NATO enlargement around the Baltic Sea – opportunities and challenges”. Together with the Head of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence at the Norwegian Parliament, Ine Eriksea Søreide, and representatives from other Baltic and Nordic countries, changes were discussed in the security environment in the Baltic Sea region, especially following the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO.