A photo exhibition “The Baltic Way 35” is taking place in Helsinki, Finland throughout the month of August 2024. The exhibition is being held at the premises of the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat in Sanomatalo (Töölönlahdenkatu 2). The exhibition is organized by the Embassies of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.

On 23 August 2024, in the lobby of the Sanomatalo, the Embassies of the three Baltic countries held a pop-up musical moment. The legendary song Atmostas Baltija was performed by the Latvian-Finnish choir Ziemeļmeita.

This exhibition was created in cooperation between the embassies of the three Baltic countries in Finland and the largest Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. The exhibition materials tell the story of the struggle of the people of Latvia, Estonia  and Lithuania for the restoration of statehood, the unity of the three Baltic countries, and the largest non-violent resistance and mobilisation that demonstrated the strength and determination of the Baltic people to fight for the restoration of their independence.

Sanomatalo is located between Ode Library and the Central Railway Station.  The exhibition is freely accessible to all visitors during the opening hours of Helsingin Sanomat.

The event is part of the public diplomacy programme supporting Latvia’s lobbying campaign for its candidacy for the UN Security Council. The campaign aims to ensure Latvia’s successful election to the UN Security Council in 2025  for the 2026–2027 term, where Latvia is a first-time candidate for an elected seat. The campaign motto is “Together for Peace and Resilience.” A seat on the UN Security Council would be one of Latvia’s most important tools for pursuing and defending its foreign policy interests and would further expand Latvia’s international cooperation, contributing to global peace and resilience.