Ārlietu ministra pieņemšana

On 17 November 2023, to mark the 105th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Krišjānis Kariņš, hosted a traditional festive reception in the Small Guild, held this year in the spirit of Latvia’s candidacy for the United Nations Security Council.

“Tomorrow, on 18 November, we will mark Latvia’s 105th birthday. As we celebrate the anniversary of our state, let us remember that freedom and democracy are not heaven-sent. God gives the chance – people must take up that opportunity. That is what our ancestors did, and that is what we must keep doing. We will make every effort and stand up steadfastly for the freedom, democracy and independence of our country into the future. Long live Latvia!” Krišjānis Kariņš emphasized in his address.

The maturity of Latvia as a state is also evidenced by Latvia’s candidacy for the UN Security Council just launched in New York. The campaign aims to ensure that, in the 2025 elections, Latvia wins an elected seat on the UN Security Council for the period of 2026–2027. Latvia will run an international pre-election campaign, which will include reaching out to member states, as well as increasing Latvia’s international visibility. The Minister noted that Latvia’s membership of the UN Security Council would be important for the implementation and protection of Latvia’s foreign policy interests. This would make it possible to further expand the international cooperation of Latvia. It would offer Latvia the opportunity to contribute to world peace and resilience.

The guests were greeted with a musical performance by the Latvian Diplomatic Choir.

The reception hosted by the Foreign Minister was also honoured with her presence by the Prime Minister Evika Siliņa. The invited guests included the Foreign Ministry staff, former senior officials of the state and government, foreign ministers and ambassadors, representatives from the Presidium of the Saeima, the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee and the European Affairs Committee, ministers, the parliamentary and state secretaries of line ministries, resident and non-resident ambassadors accredited to Latvia, representatives from international organisations, members of the European Parliament, the honorary consuls of foreign countries in Latvia, members of the media and the business community, officials from public institutions and courts.

The 105th anniversary of the establishment of the Latvian state is also celebrated by the Latvian embassies and representations abroad and among the Latvian diaspora.

Background information

The official meeting for the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia took place at the Riga City Second Theatre (the Latvian National Theatre) on 18 November 1918 at 16.30. At the meeting, Latvia was declared an independent, democratic state, which made it possible to form the Latvian Provisional Government and begin the formation of a public administration system. By declaring the Republic of Latvia, the people of Latvia exercised its right to self-determination.