European Union News
Andris Pelšs un Eiropas Komisijas ģenerāldirektorātu pārstāvji pie apspriežu galda
Photo: Laura Celmiņa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 4 June 2024, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Andris Pelšs, convened with representatives of the Directorates-General of the European Commission in Riga. The delegation is on an information visit to Latvia with the objective of enhancing collaboration with the Latvian authorities and discussing the latest political, economic and social developments in Latvia.

At the meeting, the State Secretary provided an overview of Latvia’s current affairs and key priorities within the European Union.

The State Secretary highlighted the strong support of the Latvian people for EU membership, both in the referendum twenty years ago and today, marking the 20th anniversary of Latvia’s EU membership.

“As members of the EU and NATO, we are part of a secure, rules-based world, supporting Ukraine in its fight for freedom and our shared European values,” said the Secretary of State.

He emphasised that the common challenges and work ahead will be: continuing all forms of support to Ukraine; strengthening the economy; tackling climate goals and environmental challenges; energy security; and EU enlargement and adaptation, with people’s well-being at the heart of everything.

The State Secretary observed that the stability and security of the EU is also beneficial to Latvia’s future growth and security.

“Our shared objective is to safeguard the security, stability and prosperity of our present society and those of the future, while also striving to reinforce our European identity in a way that respects and builds upon our national identities. We all have a responsibility to build a better EU for citizens.”

From 4 to 6 June 2024, 18 representatives of the various Directorates-General of the European Commission will visit Latvia to learn about the latest developments in their respective fields. During the visit, the representatives of the European Commission will also engage in meetings with the Saeima European Affairs Committee, the Prime Minister’s Office, the European Commission Representation, and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Latvia. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to visit the mobile telecommunications operator LMT, where they will gain insight into the company’s contributions to the field of innovation.

04.06.2024. ĀM valsts sekretārs Andris Pelšs tiekas ar Eiropas Komisijas ģenerāldirektorātu pārstāvjiem