
On 9 and 10 February 2022, the Special Representative of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Digital Matters, Viktors Makarovs, took part in the Third Global Conference for Media Freedom held in Tallinn (Estonia).

Viktors Makarovs highlighted Latvia’s current contribution to the promotion of media freedom and the safety of journalists, including through providing assistance to journalists in Belarus in cooperation with non-governmental organisations. The Special Representative on Digital Matters recalled that media freedom could not exist without freedom of expression online. During crises, online platforms are often the main channels for the supply of information; therefore, cooperation is needed to address the ever-increasing pressure on online platforms.

Viktors Makarovs underlined that Latvia would continue working on the promotion of media freedom and the safety of journalists in international formats and coalitions, as well as providing its expertise and practical support for the promotion of media freedom, especially in the Eastern Partnership region. Latvia will also further engage with its civil society partners in order to render support to journalists from Belarus. Latvia has become a safe haven for journalists and media from the countries where media freedom is suppressed, and will make further effort to keep media freedom and the safety of journalists high on the international agenda.

Fostering media freedom and the safety of journalists, including in the digital environment, has long been a priority for Latvia in international organisations. Latvia is an active member of the Media Freedom Coalition and the Freedom Online Coalition, as well as working in the informal groups of friends in the United Nations, OSCE and UNESCO frameworks and, together with the United Kingdom, chairing a group for the coordination of donor interventions to support media in the Eastern Partnership countries. Those issues will also retain their relevance during the upcoming Latvian Presidency of the Council of Europe, and as Latvia is preparing for the elections of the United Nations Security Council in 2025. 

Background information

The Third Global Conference for Media Freedom was held to strengthen media freedom and human rights worldwide, focusing, in particular, on the issues of disinformation, media freedom, protection of journalists, and freedom online. The event was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia in cooperation with the Estonian Institute of Human Rights.