Cooperation with countries News
Sultana Laila Hossain un Andris Pelšs
Photo: Laura Celmiņa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 5 June 2024, Andris Pelšs, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomed Sultana Laila Hossain, Ambassador of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, who has arrived in Riga on a farewell visit.

Andris Pelšs and the Ambassador of Bangladesh discussed bilateral cooperation between the two countries and future directions, with a particular emphasis on the importance of political and economic relations, as well as the promotion of contacts in education and science, including student exchanges. Opportunities for cooperation in the fields of information and communication technologies and pharmaceuticals were also outlined. The officials agreed on the need to appoint an Honorary Consul of Latvia in Bangladesh, including for the development of the mentioned areas of cooperation.

Bangladesh recognised the independence of Latvia on 9 September 1991. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on 21 January 1993. The Ambassador accredited to Latvia resides in Warsaw, Poland.

05.06.2024. ĀM valsts sekretārs Andris Pelšs pieņem atvadu vizītē Bangladešas vēstnieci Sultanu Lailu Hosainu  (Sultana Laila Hossain)