Valsts sekretārs Andris Pelšs tiekas ar jauno Ungārijas vēstnieku Latvijā Ģerģu Urkuti

On 22 September 2023, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andris Pelšs, received an accreditation visit from the newly appointed Ambassador of Hungary to Latvia, György Urkuti. The officials exchanged views on topics currently on the European Union agenda and the security situation in the region, including hybrid threats.

The meeting also addressed the matters of bilateral cooperation between Latvia and Hungary. Andris Pelšs thanked Hungary for its contribution to the strengthening of Baltic security. The diplomats discussed Hungary’s preparations for its presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2024.

The officials emphasized the close economic ties between the two countries and demonstrated preparedness to expand cooperation in culture and science.

The Hungarian Ambassador’s accreditation ceremony with the President of Latvia is scheduled for 2 October.

A. Pelšs pieņem akreditācijas vizītē Ungārijas vēstnieku Ģerģu Urkuti