Valsts sekretārs atvadu vizītē pieņem Itālijas vēstnieku

On 2 February 2022, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andris Pelšs, received a farewell visit from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian Republic, Stefano Maria Taliani de Marchio.

The State Secretary thanked the Ambassador for his contribution to the enhancement of bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as underlining the historically long-lasting and close cooperation between Latvia and Italy: 2021 saw 100 years since Italy recognised Latvia de jure. Andris Pelšs offered gratitude to Italy for contributing to the security of the entire Baltic region as well as for the excellent bilateral cooperation in the security sector. 

The diplomats welcomed the increasing economic contacts and the important role of Italian companies in the Rail Baltica project. The State Secretary noted that Latvia and Italy are linked by their orientation towards the development, manufacturing and use of products with high value added in the field of innovative technologies.

During their conversation, the State Secretary and the Ambassador also exchanged views on current global and security policy issues.

Ambassador Stefano Maria Taliani de Marchio was accredited to Latvia on 8 November 2019.