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Latvia strongly condemns the use of violence by Russia’s law enforcement authorities on 23 January 2021 against protesters who were peacefully and in a democratic manner asserting their right to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression. Excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrators and their mass detention without grounds is unacceptable.

It is especially alarming to see Russian authorities pursue a campaign to restrain and inhibit freedom of speech through pressure put on social network platforms and impeding their operation, while persecuting the organizers of protests, detaining journalists and restricting mobile and internet communications during protests. The actions of Russia’s law enforcement authorities are indicative of further regression in the realm of civil rights and liberties in Russia.

Latvia urges Russia to immediately release those who have been detained during the protests and cease the repressions against them. Latvia reiterates its demand for the release of the leader of the opposition, Alexei Navalny, and ending his politically-motivated persecution.

Latvia calls upon Russia to honour the fundamental values of democracy and the international commitments that the Russian Federation has pledged to uphold at the OSCE and the Council of Europe, especially the commitment of ensuring that all enjoy the rights to freedom of expression and to peaceful assembly enshrined in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

At the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council which meets today Latvia will be calling for an appropriately firm response by the EU, including the imposition of further restrictive measures on Russia.