Coat of arms of Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia voices serious concerns about the conclusions by independent international and local observers on the parliamentary elections in Georgia. They were held in the face of a pronounced political polarisation, amid tensions between the political power and the opposition. At the same time, especially in view of the situation, the great interest of the Georgian people in these elections – both the high turnout and the interest of the Georgian public in their progress and outcome – is to be welcomed.

Observers have issued an opinion on serious irregularities during the pre-election period and the election day, which include intimidation of the opposition, interference in the election process, the use of large-scale administrative resources, pressure on voters and voter intimidation, as well as massive breaches of voter secrecy and other irregularities.

Latvia calls on the Georgian authorities to take action immediately in order to investigate into the violations identified and ensure the confidence of the local and international community in the electoral process and the protection of citizens’ fundamental rights. The Georgian Government and law enforcement authorities must respect the right of Georgian citizens to express their views in elections conducted in accordance with all democratic principles. The assessment of the election results must be given by the people of Georgia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to closely follow developments in the country.