A.Pildegovičs Parīzē
Photo: Baiba Čāmāne-Ločmele, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Latvia

On 15–16 May 2024 in Paris, France, the Ambassador-at-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Task Force for the Latvian candidature to the United Nations Security Council, Andrejs Pildegovičs, and the Ambassador of Latvia to France, Eduards Stiprais, met with Emmanuel Besnier, Deputy Director for Africa and Indian Ocean, and Alexis Berthier, Deputy Director for Political Affairs of the United Nations, International Organizations, Human Rights and Francophonie Directorate at the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, to discuss opportunities for closer cooperation in multilateral fora.

During the consultations, representatives from Latvia and France exchanged views on current geopolitical challenges, especially the impact of the Russian aggression against Ukraine as well as a wide range of multilateral issues, including peacekeeping efforts, climate change and sustainable development.

The discussions reaffirmed the shared values and common objectives that unite Latvia and France in the international arena, such as a shared commitment to support the rules-based international order and the promotion of multilateral cooperation.

Ambassador Pildegovičs hosted a lunch meeting with the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) ambassadors to UNESCO. The meeting provided a great opportunity to discuss the unique challenges of SIDS and preparations for the 4th International Conference on SIDS, which takes place from 27 to 30 May 2024, in Antigua and Barbuda. Latvia has been closely involved in the preparation of the SIDS4 both by providing financial support as well as by active participation in the Preparatory Committee.

Ambassador Pildegovičs also took part in a roundtable discussion in the College of Bernardins (Collège des Bernardins) alongside distinguished panellists, including Beatrice Le Fraper du Hellen, Director for United Nations, International Organizations, Human rights and Francophonie at the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Pildegovičs shared Latvia’s perspective on UN in the Changing International Affairs Environment.

Participation by Ambassador Pildegovičs was implemented as part of the public diplomacy programme in support of the lobby campaign of Latvia’s candidacy for the United Nations Security Council.

The campaign under the motto of “Together for peace and resilience” aims at ensuring successful election of Latvia to the United Nations Security Council for the 2026–2027 term in the 2025 election, at which Latvia is running for an elected member’s seat for the first time. Membership of the UNSC will be a key instrument in pursuit and protection of Latvia’s foreign policy interests, as well as making it possible for Latvia to expand the scale of its international cooperation and thereby contributing to world peace and resilience.


15.-16.05.2024. A. Pildegovičs konsultācijās Francijā pārrunā sadarbības stiprināšanu daudzpusējos formātos