Ārlietu ministrijas valsts sekretārs A. Pelšs darba vizītē Berlīnē pārrunā drošības situāciju reģionā

On 21 December 2021, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Andris Pelšs, during his working visit to Germany, met with Dr. Thomas Bagger, Advisor on foreign policy to the President of Germany, Frank Walter Steinmeier, as well as with Christina Beinhoff, Advisor on external policy and security affairs to the newly elected German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and with State Secretary Jörg Kukies.  

The officials discussed current security policy issues – Russia’s build-up of troops at the Ukrainian border and sending ultimatums to NATO member states, a hybrid attack organised by the Belarusian regime at the external border of the EU and NATO, as well as latest developments in relations between the EU and China. 

The participants of the meeting expressed their concern and alarm about the escalation at the Ukrainian border, and they pointed out that discussions are ongoing in the respective member state formats, and there is no reason for doubting NATO’s cornerstones. Latvia, together with other Western countries, as well as the United States of America and our Allies, is warning Russia at all levels that the escalation of the situation will have serious political and economic repercussions, said Andris Pelšs. He added that NATO and the EU, while having a number of instruments at their disposal, will not cease calling on Russia to deescalate the situation. 

The State Secretary underlined that although the situation at the border with Belarus seems fairly calm, it is Latvia who currently feels the active phase of the hybrid attack.  The attack deliberately organised by Belarus on the external border of the EU and NATO has not come to an end, and we must remain vigilant, Andris Pelšs noted, urging the EU Member States to work towards the adoption of the 6th round of sanctions.

The meeting also addressed topics related to the EU Strategic Compass and the development of NATO’s Strategic Concept. In spring and summer, active discussions are expected between Member States on live issues in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy.