News Support for Ukraine
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica: Krievijas īstenotā agresija Ukrainā liek stiprināt Eiropas drošību un noturību vairāk kā jebkad

On 11 and 12 March 2022, the Conference on the Future of Europe held its fourth Plenary. The government of Latvia was represented in the event by Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Andris Vītols, adviser to the Minister of Justice, via videoconferencing. The Plenary debated recommendations from the European Citizens’ Panels on five themes: the EU in the world; migration; stronger economy, social justice and jobs; education, culture, youth and sports; and digital transformation.

At the opening of the Plenary, a moment of silence was held to commemorate Ukrainians who had lost their lives as the result of Russia’s invasion. Three representatives of Ukraine addressed the participants and joined the debate on recommendations by the European Citizens’ Panels. Speaking on behalf of the Latvian government, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica highlighted the tenacity and persistence of the Ukrainian people fighting for security and values not only of their own country but also of Europe as a whole, and she underlined that the door to the EU must always remain open for countries that see their future in democracy, freedom and the rule of law. Latvia firmly supports Ukraine becoming a candidate country and eventually joining the EU, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica stated.

The Parliamentary Secretary pointed out that, in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the EU has clearly demonstrated the ability to react in a unified manner and take decisions fast. Decisive steps must be taken to reduce dependence on third countries in the energy sector and in producing strategic good; in addition, increasingly larger amounts must be invested in the strengthening of defence capabilities. On the international arena, the EU must stand up for democratic values by demanding respect for human rights as a prerequisite for cooperation, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica noted.

Discussions of proposals made by European citizens will continue through March and April. The conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe has been scheduled for 9 May, Europe Day. 

Background information

The aim of the Conference on the Future of Europe is to increase people’s role in the formation of the EU’s future policy and goals. For further information, see here.