Maltas vēstniece ANO Vanesa Freizere Vēstnieku sanāksmē, 2025. gada 30.janvāris
Foto: Laura Celmiņa, Ārlietu ministrija

During the meeting of the heads of the Latvian diplomatic missions, the Permanent Representative of Malta to the United Nations in New York, Vanessa Frazier, shared with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, Latvian ambassadors and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malta’s experience in the status of a member state of the UN Security Council (2023–2024). Latvia is standing as candidate to the UNSC for the first time. If Latvia is elected, its term of membership on the UNSC would cover two years – 2026 and 2027.

In a bilateral conversation, Baiba Braže and Vanessa Frazier discussed cooperation between Latvia and Malta in multilateral formats, support for Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, including within the framework of the UN, as well as the situation in the Middle East.

Ambassador Frazier engaged in a discussion with the heads of the Latvian diplomatic missions on the participation of small countries in the UNSC, their role and influence (if elected) in the current geopolitical situation, as well as practical issues of the lobby campaign and membership in the UNSC.

The Permanent Representative of Malta to the UN, Vanessa Frasier, is staying in Latvia from January 29 to 31.

An experienced diplomat, she has been posted to the Embassy of Malta in Washington, twice in Rome, London, Brussels, and New York.

During Malta’s term as a non-permanent member in the UN Security Council, Vanessa Frazier chaired two committees – ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee and the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC). In 2013, Ambassador Frazier was selected as a “Woman Inspiring Europe” by the European Institute for Gender Equality.

Latvia's candidacy in the UN Security Council (2026–2027)

  • Latvia is applying for a non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council for 2026-2027. This is one of the long-term goals of Latvia’s foreign policy, which is also set out in the Latvian National Development Plan for 2021-2027.
  • Membership in the UN Security Council would be one of the most important instruments for the implementation and protection of Latvia’s foreign policy interests, and would also allow Latvia to further expand its international cooperation, contributing to world peace and stability.
  • The motto of the Latvian campaign is “Together for peace and resilience”.
  • Elections are scheduled for this coming June in New York. In order for Latvia to be elected, it needs obtain the support of 2/3 of the UN member states.
  • Latvia's candidacy in the UN Security Council (2026–2027)

On Malta’s achievements during its term on the UNSC (20232024)

  • Malta’s membership of the UN Security Council (2023–2024) set three priorities:
    1. Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC);
    2. climate and security;
    3. Women, Peace and Security (WPS).
  • As the chair of the CAAC working group, Malta developed resolutions on grave violations against children and organized missions to conflict zones – Nigeria, Colombia. Highlighting climate change as a security threat, Malta facilitated dialogue on its long-term global impact. Malta strengthened women’s voices by protecting their role in peace processes and emphasizing the formulation of inclusive policies in the mandates of peacekeeping missions.

Further information

The Latvian Ambassadors’ annual meeting in Riga to focus on foreign policy tasks – to strengthen our security, economic development and welfare

30-31.01.2025. Maltas vēstniece ANO V. Freizere tiekas ar B. Braži un ar Latvijas diplomātiem dalās pieredzē par valsts dalības ANO Drošības padomē ieguvumiem