ārlietu ministre tiekas ar EP deputātiem 13.09.2024
Photo: Ilze Salnāja, Ministry of Foreign Afairs

Further support to Ukraine, the role of the European Union (EU) on a global scale, the EU’s security and defence policy, the EU enlargement process, work on the next multi-annual budget of the European Union (EU) and Latvia’s priorities – those were the most important issues discussed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, during a meeting with the Members of the European Parliament (EP) elected from Latvia. Taking part in the conversation with the Foreign Minister were Inese Vaidere, Ivar Ījabs, Mārtiņš Staķis, Reinis Pozņaks, Roberts Zīle, Sandra Kalniete, and Vilis Krištopans.

On 13 September 2024, the Foreign Minister called on the MEPs to take joint action for security and economic development of Latvia, support to Ukraine, the restriction of Russian military capabilities, regardless of a party or ideological affiliation. “Supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s brutal war of aggression must be a priority for the EU until Ukraine wins, and the new EP term plays a major role in keeping the issue consistently high on the EU agenda. Besides, in addition to Ukraine’s victory, it is also important to work on containing Russia. We all have a common understanding and we are aware that Ukraine’s victory is closely linked to peace and security in the EU,” Baiba Braže told the MEPs.

Baiba Braže introduced the MEPs to Latvia’s priorities for the next institutional cycle of the EU. As regards the next long-term EU budget, the Foreign Minister noted that security – both at the national and EU level – was a priority. “Latvia and the EU as a whole must plan and invest in security and defence in a strategic manner, taking into account the geopolitical situation. In the case of Latvia, further investments are critical in order to strengthen security at its external border, which is also the external border of the EU and NATO – the first security line, which we are guarding. This is particularly important in the context of the control of sanctions imposed by the EU against Russia and Belarus – currently it is our colleagues from the Latvian Border Guard and customs authorities who are shouldering the full weight on behalf of the EU, and work is currently going on under the conditions of an increased intensity – additional financial and human resources are needed. Ensuring stricter control of export goods in their countries of origin and declaration should also be facilitated at the political level,” the Minister noted.

She added that 80% of cargos crossing the border with Russia and Belarus is not from Latvia, but other EU countries. Likewise, 95% of the detected attempts to circumvent sanctions are related to shipments from other EU countries.

The Foreign Minister also stressed the importance of further strengthening a mutually complementary cooperation between the EU and NATO.

The meeting also addressed current developments in the EU’s new institutional cycle and the ways for further cooperation with the MEPs, including in light of the EP committees where the parliamentarians will work. The participants of the meeting agreed that cooperation between MEPs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should be continued and intensified, both at the level of the Ministry’s headquarters in Riga and through the Permanent Representation of Latvia to the EU in Brussels.

For information

Elections to the EP were held from 6 through 9 June 2024, when 720 MEPs were elected for a five-year term. In this parliamentary term, Latvia has nine seats in the EP. The EP is the only EU institution elected in direct and democratic elections.