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On 23 September 2024 in New York, during the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, took part in the G7+ Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, the meeting of the Baltic and Nordic (NB8) Foreign Ministers with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, and a global high-level forum on AI governance hosted by the United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.

At the G7+ Foreign Ministers Meeting on Ukraine Energy Sector Support, the Minister underlined the need not only to ensure urgent support for the restoration and strengthening the energy infrastructure but also to undermine Russia’s military capabilities. She highlighted the importance of eroding Russia’s ability to continue its systematic attacks on Ukraine, and even more so, on the peaceful population and civilian infrastructure. The participants agreed that it was necessary to degrade Russia’s military capabilities and prevent Russia from destroying the energy infrastructure of Ukraine. Practical support provided by Latvia’s energy companies to the Ukrainian energy sector this year year included several power plants, hydropower plants, power generators, as well as more than 50 transformers. 

Together with the Baltic and Nordic (NB8) Foreign Ministers, Baiba Braže met with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Andrii Sybiha. An exchange of views with the new Ukrainian Foreign Minister focused on a coordinated approach to sustaining and stepping up international support to Ukraine. The NB8 states reaffirmed their commitment to providing further financial, humanitarian and military support to Ukraine in its fight against the aggressor.

The Foreign Minister met with representatives from Google, with whom she discussed the ways for deepening cooperation in the field of new technologies based on the advantages and innovations of Latvia’s information and technology sector, including in the field of security. The Minister introduced the Google experts to Latvia’s plans on the establishment of a National Centre for Artificial Intelligence.

Foreign Minister Braže attended an event on artificial intelligence organized by the U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, with the focus on advancing sustainable development through safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence. Latvia has gained good grounds in this field in the private sector, so it is important to forge international scientific and technological partnerships to foster further development. Latvia stands up for balance between the opportunities offered by AI and potential risks. Opportunities created by AI should be harnessed towards both economic development and strengthening of cyber security.

The informal meeting of EU foreign ministers addressed two issues: tensions in the Middle East, and the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Ministers underlined the need for achieving an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and preventing of regional spill-over.

In the context of Russia’s aggression, the ministers had an in-depth discussion with the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Andrii Sybiha, who offered thanks for current support to Ukraine and called for stepping up military assistance to fight against Russian aggression. Ukraine urgently needs further support in terms of deliveries of air defence systems and ammunition, as well as in the energy sector.

Baiba Braže reaffirmed Latvia's readiness to continue providing all forms of support to Ukraine and emphasised in particular the need to take further steps in the adoption of sanctions against Russia and its shadow fleet, as well as intensifying cooperation with third countries to prevent the possibility of sanctions circumvention.

In addition to other events that day, the Foreign Minister had a bilateral meeting with Dominique Hasler, Foreign Minister of Liechtenstein, focusing on cooperation to ensure Russia’s accountability for its war of aggression launched against Ukraine.

The High-level Week the 79th Session of the UNGA in New York is held from 21 to 30 September. Alongside discussions on international developments, the key focus of this session will be placed on the strengthening of international solidarity and the rules-based order.

Topics to be highlighted while participating in UN events will be Russia’s accountability for international crimes committed in Ukraine, the strengthening of multilateralism and international order, and the need for a global governance reform.

At the events of the High-Level Week, Latvia is represented by President Edgars Rinkēvičs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baiba Braže, and the Minister of Health, Hosams Abu Meri.

For updates on the working visit, follow the Foreign Ministry on its social network accounts.

Further information

  • G7, or the Group of Seven, is an intergovernmental economic and political forum of the world’s major industrialised countries consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • The G7+ Foreign Ministers’ meetings are convened three to four times annually, one of them being held at the UN in New York.
  • Latvia’s support to Ukraine
    • According to figures compiled by the MFA, the planned amount of Latvia’s assistance to Ukraine in 2024 will reach at least EUR 204 million or 0.5% of GDP, including support from the Ministry of Defence in the amount of 0.25% of GDP, or EUR 105 million. Total (state and public) support to Ukraine for the period from 24 February 2022 to 31 December 2024 is expected to reach at least EUR 820 million or 0.7% of GDP.

Latvia’s candidacy for the United Nations Security Council

Latvia is currently standing as a candidate for membership of the United Nations Security Council for the period of 2026–2027, which is one of the long-term goals in Latvia’s foreign policy laid down the National Development Plan until 2027. Latvia is actively engaged in the UN agenda by providing its own experience and expertise. Latvia has been elected to important UN bodies such as the Human Rights Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the Peacebuilding Commission. Latvia advocates international legal order, independence and territorial integrity of all UN Member States, as well as accountability for violations of international law, and combating intolerance, with a view to ensuring just and sustainable peace.

23.09.2024. Ārlietu ministre Baiba Braže piedalās ANO ĢA Augsta līmeņa nedēļā